P205: Python Junior 1
For Ages 11-13
Consistently ranked #1 as the “Most Popular Coding Language“, learning Python will enable your child to build programs that are used widely today in many domains; Eg. Web Development, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence.
In this program specifically designed based on the PSLE Mathematics curriculum, Mathematics will be used as the context through which students pick up Python programming skills. They will learn how to apply Mathematical Operators to calculate the area of a square or even develop a BMI Calculator (Who knew that +, -, x, ÷ could be so fun!).
They will also make use of conditionals to create a Movie-Age checker. And what about ending off with developing their own personalised “Baymax”, complete with a health tracker and personalised health tips? The sky is the limit as Kids get their hands on these exercises, and much more in our Python Meets Math classes!

Unable to find a schedule that fits? Check out App Inventor 1 (P201) instead. In our Ages 10-12 roadmap, students may start from App Inventor 1 (P201) or Python Junior 1 (P205).
Completing this module is a prerequisite for Python Junior 2 (P206) and the Advanced Computer Scientists programme.
Want to find out more? Meet our students or check out our FAQs.
The lessons are engaging and my child is always looking forward to Saturdays. The teacher-student support in Coding Lab is also excellent. Li Hong, Mother of Ziv, 11 years old
My daughter has found a new hobby and she is loving it! Parent of Chloe Lim, Python Junior 1+2
Introduction to Python
Learn to install, setup and run Python
Introduction to the various data types (Eg. Strings, Float, Integers)
Various Data Types
Learn and apply numerical data and Mathematics operators
Calculate the area of a Square/Triangle/Circle
Develop a BMI Calculator
Learn String (text) data and String manipulation
Making Decisions with Conditional Operators
Syntax of if, if-then-else, if and e lif
Develop your own “Baymax” – Your Personal Healthcare Companion
Weekly / 5 days intensive
SG$238.08 (use "MYCODEONLINE" at checkout)
5 sessions, 3.5 hours per session
SG$388 (use "MYCODEONLINE" at checkout)
• Passed the placement test with Coding Lab
• eBook and video-on-demand provided
• Maximum 1:8 Instructor-Student ratio
• 10 hours duration
LIVE online classes
Learn from the comfort of your home. All our lessons are conducted online using Zoom. Your child will get to interact with their teacher and classmates in real-time.
Sign up for a Trial Class!
(After the trial lesson, you can register for a full class and get your money back)
ICS Student Feature: Keian Teh, 11, 2nd Place (Python)
Watch 11-year-old Keian eloquently present his very own Python project, which uses Python Turtle. It aims to encourage people to bring out their creative side and draw anything that they want. This project won him 2nd Place (Python) in the International Coding Showcase 2020.
ICS Student Feature: Kyran Tan, 10, 1st Place (Python)
Watch 10-year-old Kyran’s Clockc program that was skillfully coded with Python. The timer, alarm, work and rest, countdown and stopwatch functions help one's everyday life! This project won him 1st Place (Python) in the International Coding Showcase 2020.
ICS Student Feature: Dhanvin Mohan Ram, 11, Overall People's Choice Awards
Watch 11-year-old Dhanvin's roulette program that was coded with Python and explores Mathematical concepts! His project won him the Overall People's Choice Award in the International Coding Showcase 2020.